A day in the life with two young boys

What is the story of your family? What are the stories you will tell your children as they grow up? What will their memories be made of? Will they remember that when they were 2 years old their favorite game was hide and seek under the blanket? Probably not. Will you?...

Carla’s Water Birth Story

I had been feeling kind of crampy the whole week leading up to labor, so on 40 weeks, 5 days pregnant, I was used to the feeling. My two dogs were extra cuddly that night (they must have known!), and my husband and I decided to take them for a walk. The whole walk, I...

Tasha’s Water Birth Story

[Tasha’s Birth Story]Saturday, April 2nd was the day our baby boy was predicted to enter this world; that day came and went just like any other day. My mom texted me and asked me how I was feeling. I told her that I didn’t feel any different than I did on...

Homeschooling five children

I find it fascinating, and an honor, to be invited into families’ homes to photograph a glimpse of what life looks like to them. To document their stories that are so personal and unique. This mom of 5 children homeschools them all. It was my first peek into the...