Do you have a lifetime photographer?

I’ve experienced this and I know that many of you have…once you find a photographer that your family is comfortable with, especially your children, you tend to stick with that person year after year. I think this is a great thing with many benefits. ...

5 Reasons to Hire a Doula for your Birth

If a doula were a drug it would be unethical not to use it. -John H Kennell, MDThe word doula is Greek for servant. A doula is someone who is trained in childbirth and will tend to your needs before, during and after your labor, whether they be physical, emotional,...

Defining Your Family Unit

“What your grandfather didn’t understand is that strength comes in different disguises. It does not always ride a mighty horse or wield a shiny sword. Sometimes we have to be like a riverbank, twisting and turning along with the earth, withstanding swells...

Strong as a mother

The term “Mom” gets such a bad rap. Remember when the phrase “you hit like a girl” was an insult? What would it take for us to associate “mother” with strength? Because that’s what I’ve found in motherhood. Mothers are some of the strongest people I’ve EVER met! Not...

Pregnant with first child

Since being pregnant, Matt and I have simplified our life and spent more time together on the weekends and in the evenings, resting, relaxing, going for walks. I just feel extremely grateful for the upcoming opportunity to be a mom and to be a family. It has given me...