The term “Mom” gets such a bad rap. Remember when the phrase “you hit like a girl” was an insult? What would it take for us to associate “mother” with strength? Because that’s what I’ve found in motherhood. Mothers are some of the strongest people I’ve EVER met!

Not only does it take incredible strength and resilience to carry a growing baby inside your body for 9 months, especially when you are faced with sickness every waking moment, aches and pains in all areas of your body, multiple hospital visits, and countless other physical challenges. As a woman prepares for birth she has to face some big fears and unknowns, whether it’s the contractions of labor or the major surgery of a c-section (or both). And then every single day a mother has to contend with increasing her patience, her compassion, her understanding. She works tirelessly for no pay, no guaranteed sick days off, potential to work around the clock, and no possibility of quitting, and she would do anything to not give up this job, this position in life, this title of Mother. Mothers persevere, they are resilient, they embody strength and power like no other. 

May the word “mom” be associated with “strength”. 

“It was all of us as mothers, fighting the daily battles while working all day and all night, longing for a hot cup of coffee, when a sick day is not an option, and the rewards of the job are love. We could all relate to this saying, STRONG AS A MOTHER. We were all in the bittersweet trenches of motherhood.” -From