How printing your photos can increase the happiness in your home

1) For babies seeing photos of themselves and their family supports brain development.Have you ever noticed that babies love looking at themselves in the mirror? They also love looking at pictures of families members that they know. Relationships are fundamental to...

How to turn your digital photos into printed artwork

It’s so important to print your pictures and have them on display in your home so that you can enjoy them every day. What get family photos taken if you just get digital files and never look at them again? They aren’t serving their purpose: to build your children’s...

Turn daily tasks into a game with your kids

When you turn day to day tasks into a game it can change it from being a source of stress and tantrums into fun, quality time with your kids. Game for cleaning up toys:Instead of yelling at your kids to clean up, make cleaning up a game.You say, “I’m thinking of...

Have better conversations with your kids

Do you ever feel like dinner time is chaotic or stressful? You ask your kids about their day and they mumble, give a one word response, or seem utterly disinterested in conversation. Learn to ask better questions. Good questions lead to good conversation and keep...